The idle ramblings of a Jack of some trades, Master of none

Jun 11, 2014

Shrimp Provencale

In Frei Betto's Hotel Brasil, Mônica wants to make a camarões à la provençal for Cândido.
While Mônica cleaned up the shrimp and marinated them in salt and orange juice, Cândido chopped up the garlic so fine it was as if he was trying to split atoms. She put the rice on to boil, adding nothing by way of seasoning, but lining the bottom of the pan with extra virgin olive oil. As she did so, a satisfying feeling came over her. […] 
He added a few splashes of molho de pimento to the camarões, while she drizzled olive oil over the side salad.
As the rice cooked on the hob and the prawns baked in the oven, Mônica and Cândido sat on footstools, glasses of vinho in their hands. […] 
When the food was ready, they tipped the pan of rice over the shrimp, added a little parsley and gave everything a good stir. They took the dish into the lounge, where the table lay beautifully set and candlelit.


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