The idle ramblings of a Jack of some trades, Master of none

Dec 19, 2007

Art for Tax

A piece in the news describes how people are giving up important works of art in lieu of paying inheritance tax. As the Financial Times reports today that such masterworks as Music by Edward Burne-Jones (not seen in public since 1901 but available as poster reproductions, as seen here to the left), and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Hamlet and Ophelia have been bequeathed to the nation. [The British Museum has an older version of Rossetti's work, seen here to the right.] Shortly, I daresay, they will appear on display in the National Gallery.

When it's my turn to conk, what immense works of art should I will over to an adoring nation? Upon consideration, I'd like to bestow three pieces of watercolour cartoons of village belles by that famous artist Appan Kaming. At least he was up-and-coming when we bought the paintings seven years ago. Since then, evidently overwhelmed by our patronage, the man has done a bunk and, when last heard, was driving a cab in New York City.

I guess I should scan these pieces and put them up for public display. Would that devalue the works? Maybe I can gradually build up a fervour of inquisitiveness and acquisitiveness by hiding them from the hoi-polloi? This bears thinking about.


Anonymous said...

Artist sells art to The Saint. Abandons his passion. Takes up cab driving.
Hey, just wondering... did you do any bargaining?

Fëanor said...

Nope, but I told him life in New York was every artist's dream :-)

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