Floating about the internet forwarded from mailbox to mailbox without provenance is this foodie map of India. Remarkably, I recognise several dishes mentioned on it. I am aggrieved, however, that the incendiary dried beef cubes of Nagaland are nowhere to be seen.

Please feel free to toss in a few of your own favourite regional delicacies. It's lunch time and a young human's fancy at this point turns to food. Singularly apt, I think.
[Thanks, Rajesh, for the image.]

Please feel free to toss in a few of your own favourite regional delicacies. It's lunch time and a young human's fancy at this point turns to food. Singularly apt, I think.
[Thanks, Rajesh, for the image.]
In a broad map of food like this some of the sub regional food gets missed out... in karnataka there is a region called 'Coorg'... the home of coffee. The people of coorg are very different from the rest of karnataka... they are elegant, fair, handsome,hook nosed and very brave and violent! Two of India's three greatest Generals post independence have been from Coorg! General Thimmiah and Field Marshall Kariappa...the third being Field Marshall Manekshaw, a parsi. The coorgs are supposed to be decendants of a group of Macedonian or Greek soldiers left behind by Alexander after he returned after his aborted invasion of India... his general Selucas Nicus was holding fort till he came back...but alas Alexander died. the soldiers made their home in the region of kashmir and punjab diluting the local race with blue green eyes and aqyuiline features... some soldiers were said to have worked as mercinery soldiers and body guards for many Kings all around India including the Kerala Kings.. a tribute to these body guards is the grecian bird atop the traditional kerala kutthuvelaku (lamp). back to food... the coorgs are supposed to be decendants of a bunch of these greek soldiers. Their most famous dish is a Pork dish which is served for any celebration... wedding, funeral... anything.. called Pandi Curry (pork Curry) the crucial ingredient in this other than the usual pepper, onions etc is a tamarind paste and kachiapulli.. kachiapulli is a fermented vinegar made from a dry fruit called Kodampulli (Garcinia...used in diet medicine for supressing hunger. This along with kadam puttu ... a steamed tasteless rice dish is simply amazing!
Rajesh rajaram
What sort of map talks about Maharashtra, and doesn't mention usal? Or misal, for that matter.
And you'd think either Gujarat or Maharashtra would mention at least one Parsi dish. Tchah.
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