The idle ramblings of a Jack of some trades, Master of none

Feb 17, 2009

Turkish Whiskers

I was enjoying Selçuk Altun's Songs My Mother Never Taught Me very much until I came across this passage:

I was nauseated by the unpleasant image of a thirty-year-old man with his thin, pointed moustache, grinning maliciously at his prey. Why does the Anatolian male insist on the moustache habit? If it is a symbol of manhood, why is it forbidden in the army and police force? Whenever a disastrous crisis erupts in our country, there's always somebody with an ugly moustache involved.

To add insult to injury, the wielder of said moustache is unceremoniously bumped off shortly after this description. I've lost all respect for Mr Altun. As a (at one time) bearer of fungus on my upper lip, I object to this vilification, and demand an unreserved apology. At once.


Maddy said...

In historic Turkey, a mustache was a must. Some time in the 20th century, habits changed and Turks wanted to be seen as Europeans, stylish and clean shaven....It is hard to see a single young male sporting a mustache in the city these days. Of course people from the south and the Karazeniz (black sea) area look somewhat traditional.

I changed my look too recently - taking of the 'meesha' but that is a long story..

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