The idle ramblings of a Jack of some trades, Master of none

Apr 22, 2009

Adalgisa's Rear

Adalgisa is not only a cook with delicate sensibility, but she is also one of the finest Carnival dancers in Bahia. Of her, the following poem is written in Jorge Amado's The War of the Saints.


A rump revealed, one August in Bahia,
Round to the eyes, a magnificent orb,
A bottom like a bison, your buttocks, Adalgisa
Beguiled my walk through the market stalls

Of all the rhymed asses of ancient memory
Only yours has the the compass of true poetry
A tail bound for glory, oh unrivaled iyawô
Rolling your hips, you take our breath away
Our lips, fair Adalgisa, long there to stray

So plump, so cleft, so high, it rivals
The white and leavened dough, cooked in the far off Bahias
Where oh how Adalgisa sings! tropical bird, Homeric siren
And I, a lost Ulysses, bow my head in this tavern
Longing for your broad pelvic perfection
Foundering in my sleep but not in affection.

Fernando Assis Pacheco
Bahia, stormy, on an August night


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