The idle ramblings of a Jack of some trades, Master of none

Góralu, czy ci nie żal
Odchodzić od stron ojczystych,
Świerkowych lasów i hal
I tych potoków srebrzystych?
Góralu, czy ci nie żal,
Góralu, wracaj do hal!

A Galician song of lamentation on the agony of the émigré, a Goral (hillbilly) forced to leave home to support his family.

Oh, Gooral, are you not weeping
to walk from your own native land,
from the pine trees, mountains and pastures,
from the silver torrent's bright strand
Oh, Gooral, are you not weeping?
Oh, Gooral, come back to home!

(Translation from Norman Davies, Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe, page 458.)


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